Paradigma Humanis–Religius: Signifikansi dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pendidikan Islam


  • Abdurrohim Abdurrohim STIS Hidayatullah Balikpapan


Humanist-religious, Pathology, Significance, Implication


Islamic education is facing a dilemma of modernity and humanity, because the world of Islamic education that builds on the philosophy and Islamic values​​, on certain sides of the world it is difficult to meet with general education which is basically built on the philosophy and values ​​of Western Worldview tend to adopt the concept of secular humanism. On the other hand the internal situation, Islamic education dilemma facing humanity, because of the educational process was run still adopt the old patterns that are not considered humane. Similarly, the phenomenon of violence still occur in school environments that are in the realm of Islamic education, both physical and psychological violence. Faced with this dilemma, then there is a continual thoughts about the need to build a humanist discourse-religious education, as a form of thought formulation seeking common ground between the values ​​of humanism which evolved from the Western Worldview and values ​​of religiosity that comes from the Islamic Worldview.




How to Cite

Abdurrohim, A. (2024). Paradigma Humanis–Religius: Signifikansi dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pendidikan Islam. Madinatul Iman, 3(2), 9–30. Retrieved from
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